Panel Schedule Information

Please follow the instructions below.

Click here to download the Excel file.

1. Please fill out the contact information in the top left hand section in the excel file.

2. Enter your information left to right on the excel file.

3. Enter full sheets as well as fabricated panels in the Panel Schedule.

4. Enter your panel sizes in inches. Example: 36 1/8” (File will covert to 36.1250)

5. Please save the file as: (insertcompanyname.panel.schedule)

6. Email completed file to one of the following addresses:

[email protected] | Ryan Brady – Sales

[email protected] | General Company Mailbox

*Note – This file functions as any other standard excel file in terms of auto fill and drop down boxes to aid with inputting information. You must fill out the information fully or the file will not function correctly and errors will be shown.* If you have technical issues please email [email protected] for support. View our Cement Board Product Guide.